Monday, December 26, 2011

Joke? If THIS is a joke then pigs would fly off laughing!

Well, what I can say is: Aku kesian betul dengan kau. Ah, sorry, aku tak nak mention nama kau. I have no reason untuk buatkan kau famous. And aku pun taknak mention sepenuh-penuhnya perbuatan hodoh kau tu kat sini. Memalukan aku, kau, dan pembaca2 blog kat sini aje. I'm sorry that I can't understand your unclassy sense of humour. Then again, this isn't quite the first time right? Haven't you hurt enough people around you? Haven't you hurt my best friend enough? Still not satisfied? Pity. Pathetic. So loveless. Yet, so deserving. Semoga kau panjang umur and berbahagia hidup kau. :)

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