Thursday, March 15, 2012

Travelogue Korea: Nami Island.

Rupanya from Petite France to Gapyeong Wharf tu taklah dekat mana. Sempat tidur lah kejap dalam taxi tu. Sampai2 for some reason ayah aku beli jagung bakar dulu. Hehehe lapauu ler tu. And so kitorang pun beli tiket ferry ke Naminara kat Immigration counter. Naminara, or Nami Island ni is like a little country of it's own, so that's why lah ada Immigration bagai. Visa to Naminara, which also included ferry fare is 8, 000 KRW (RM 24) per person. Or, kalau korang daring sikit lah kan, boleh pergi Naminara dengan Zip-wire. It's a bit expensive lah, 38, 000 KRW (RM 114) per person. It's motor-operated flying fox. Seram woah. >.<

Gateway to Naminara.

Nami-Maid ferry. Macam bentuk itik, hehe.

View from Ferry.

The first glimpse of Naminara.

Kitorang jakun sikit dengan snow.

Naminara mascot.

Behind us is the map of Naminara! Kecil je kan?

Do you know that you can really really really finish touring an island for one single day? Nami Island ni tak besar, so dalam sehari pun boleh habis jalan. Tapi kalau tak puas, kat sini ada hotels and guesthouses to stay in. Korang familiar dengan cerita Winter Sonata? Alah, cerita hot yang membuatkan ramai orang meleleh2 menangis air mata darah suatu masa dulu? Ini lah tempat shooting drama tu ^^

Bajet romantik je. Bluekkk ;P

First kiss bridge. Shooting scene dalam drama Winter Sonata.

Belakang aku tu, botol Soju.

First Kiss Bridge, tasik kat bawah dah beku.

Sorry ler, banyak tayang muka. Keh keh.

Artificial snow, unfortunately T___T

He thinks he's still young and carefree.

I regretted holding that little bit of snowball. >.<

Port bercengkerama. Hahaha xD

Awesome <3 

Winter Sonata Gallery.

Another scene from Winter Sonata. 

Aku kena lompat 4 kali. Baru dapat gambar yang tak berapa nampak macam tengah lompat ni. =____=

Winter Sonata version 2012. Hahaha heroin tak lawa lah tapi xD

Bae Yong Joon ^^

Nami Island ni banyak tempat sightseeing aje, takde tempat shopping2 or amusement park ke apa. Plenty of recycled creative arts and crafts. There're also museums and gardens, and it gives more attention to nature. 

Tau tu apa? Buku telefon tau!

Arts and crafts shop a.k.a. souvenir shop. Aku tetap dapat habuan di mana2 x)

Kesejukkan >.<

Christmas tree daripada botol Soju.

Cover kepenatan tu.

Waiting for the other half to come and join me. Hehe ^^

But there're many ways to enjoy while sightseeing here. Boleh sewa basikal, and ada juga train to tour the island. But that blasted train operates until masa2 tertentu. At some point, kitorang memang nak naik train tu sebab dah penat berjalan sampai hujung island, ingat nak patah balik island entrance naik train aje, but train dah stop. =____= 

Adios, Naminara!

Kitorang choww from Naminara only when night falls, and when it's freezingly cold. Nasib baik ada unggun2 api selamatkan kitorang, haha. We took the ferry back around 6.30 p.m., and then punya lah tragedy terkial2 nak cari Taxi untuk pergi ke Station Gapyeong, tapi tak ada. Dah lah gelap, orang pun takde. But luckily, kitorang terserempak dengan one of the staff of Naminara masa tanya jalan tu, and he gave us a ride to the station---- free! Yeahhhaa save duit, haha. :D

And then, despite penat sepanjang hari berjalan jauh (mind you, Cheongpyeong, Gapyeong, from our guesthouse it's like from the other end to the other end of the Subway line), kitorang gagahkan juga tenaga yang masih ada ke Itaewon. It's another shopping district, wait for the story at Travelogue Korea: Shopping Spree.

To be continued---- Day 3, DMZ.

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